Monday, May 24, 2010

PW projects in Vrindavan will be completed on time

Vrindavan (Dainika Jagaran, May 24, 2010) । The Chief Minister of UP may well have ordered her officers to finish the Vrindavan Project on time, but the original timetable was not met. But now with a new timetable it seems that everything will be finished on schedule. Lucknow has been a bit late in freeing up the cash needed for all these projects, and this means that the different agencies involved in doing the work have had difficulty coordinating their tasks.

For example, one part of the overall plan includes the construction of a sewage treatment plant. The water department fixed December of this year as the date for completion. Land for the plant was designated in Rajpur Khadar and was to be expropriated, but when they inquired from the district authorities, the claim was refused.

The laying of sewage line is proceeding at a snail's pace with the result that the building of the Parikrama Marg is being held up. The Parikrama Marg is 10 km in length, and it was to have been completed by March 31 of this year. This deadline was later extended to June 2010, but if even the sewage pipes can be laid by this date it would be a major achievement. The Public Works Department stated categorically that they cannot build the road until the sewage lines have been put in.

The project was initiated two years ago, and the laying of sewage pipe was to have been finished by December last year, but only five of the ten kilometers had been completed by that time. The work of laying sewage pipe has left almost all of Vrindavan's roads in a ruinous state. Complaints are constantly being heard from both pedestrians and drivers trying to make their way around town.

PWD officers clarified that if the sewer work can be finished by June, then the roadwork can be completed by October. District Magistrate D.C. Shukla has ordered the PWD officers to start roadwork as soon as the sewer pipes are ready. There is some shortage of funds for completion of the work, however. The work was to be done in five sections, but although all applications have been made, not all funds have been received from the UP Government.

In the beginning 187.41 lakhs was given for the first stages of the work, but this has not been approved. Money is required by the ROB for all the projects, including the completion of the Vrindavan-Chatikara Road, the beautifying (!) of the Parikrama Marg, the bridge around Keshi Ghat, the building of a 100 foot road on the narrow-gauge railway line from Vrindavan to Mathura.

Original Hindi here. 


  1. Article in today's Jagran makes it clear that the Parikrama Marg project is (1) to include the entire 10 kilometers of pathway, and (2) that includes the Keshi Ghat bridge. So they have not thrown in the towel on that.

  2. More pictures by Vijaya Radhika on Facebook. Wanton destruction.

  3. More pictures by Vijaya Radhika on Facebook. It really seems so frigging misguided.
