Yesterday was the Disappearance Day festival of Santana Goswami. The big festival of circumambulating Govardhan in honor of Sanatan Prabhu takes place over the five-day period ending on Purnima, with a major procession leaving the Chakleshwar temple in Manasa Ganga.
Festivities at the actual site of Sanatan Prabhu's samadhi in Madan Mohan is a little more subdued. Here are some pictures on Purnima, sent to us by Deena Bandhu Dasji.

Sanatan Kishore Goswami, the present sevait of Madan Mohan Mandir and Sanatan Goswami's Samadhi.

Darshan on Guru Purnima, Santana Goswami's Disappearance day 25 July 2010. Sanatana Goswami's Samadhi is at the Lotus Feet of Madan Mohan.
Front view of the restored Samadhi.

In restoring the Samadhi, we had to take down the Nat Mandir as it was just bricks and mud! So we put up a waterproof pandal for the festival. Now it's over, we will start construction. Since it is rainy season, we had to put up a waterproof pandal so they could do the ceremonies peacefully. This we volunteered to do as we had taken down the old Nat Mandir.

You can see the old Nat Mandir was just tiny bricks and mud and many cracks were seen, it was ready to cave in. So we had to take it down. We didn't want to disturb the festival, so now it's over, we will start construction.
The old Dwar, gate, of Madan Mohan Mandir.
Anyone who wants to help this restoration project should contact Deena Bandhu Dasji.
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