Thursday, April 8, 2010

Demolitions in Sri Vrndavan Dham

Crossposted from Sampradaya Sun

Prabhupada Gate - Three trees have been chopped down on this side of the gate. Middle front is the stump of one of them.

Apr 06, SRI VRNDAVAN DHAMA, INDIA (SUN) The roadwork is at a standstill in Sri Vrndavan Dham. So far they have broken down walls and shops to make a start on the widening of the road. No one knows when they will come with their front end loaders next and continue with the demolitions.

The street that the Municipality is widening is named Bhaktivedanta Marg due to our Srila Prabhupada's fame and glory. The spiritual and economic growth of Vrndavan has been largely influenced by the presence of our ISKCON Temple here, which has only been made possible by the mercy of Srila Prabhupada.

Some of the Neem trees that line the Marg

The street is not only a feeder road for utilitarian purposes, it is also the most beautiful street in the Vrndavan/Mathura district. The huge beautiful trees that line its shoulders should not be chopped down at all and someone must speak for them.

There is also the question of the status of ‘Prabhupada Gate. It adorns the entrance to the Dhama and is possibly destined to be demolished, as it too comes into the parameters of the widening of the road. All the large trees on the Temple side that used to stand around it have been chopped down. So if the Municipality keeps to its plans, then Prabhupada Gate will also be demolished.

If diplomacy and court action has failed then there needs to be mobilization of the general devotees to petition the Indian Government to make an allowance for our Temple. This is not only a local Temple issue, it behooves the entire ISKCON to take up this cause and make a stand against this sacrilege.

ISKCON devotees from around the world need to petition the Temple Management and GBC to make all effort to make sure that Srila Prabhupada's legacy is not disturbed or destroyed by this roadwork. The road can be made to accommodate not only the trees, but also our Temple.

This is happening now and unless we take action, then something that is precious to our heritage will be lost.

COMMENT: You can see from this unidentified devotee's concern that he sees the immediate danger to ISKCON and calls for action from Iskcon devotees. This is the situation: Everyone in Vrindavan is only concerned when something affects them and fails to see the big picture.

Keshi Ghat was "political" and so Iskcon put out the word that no one was to get involved because of threats from the Foreign Registration Office. But now their wall is getting knocked over and suddenly there is a call for worldwide mobilization. Where were the laments for lost heritage coming from the Iskcon leadership when this all began months ago?

The danger to Vrindavan presented by the Ring Road and the so-called Half Moon Bridge is far more permanent and damaging to Vrindavan's overall spiritual vocation than this, admittedly misguided, widening of the road, destruction of trees (one of the few tree-lined streets in Vrindavan), etc. This road is simply going to funnel more cars into the Banke Bihari part of town, creating even more jams just a kilometer down the road.

Where is the brain that can see what is needed for Vrindavan to be properly developed? Where is the master plan? And why can't everyone get together and push with their combined strength?

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